Main Computer: Dell Inspiron Hackintosh running Big Sur with an Intel i5 processor & 16gb RAM. I am using Open Core for a bootloader to make running macOS on an Intel computer possible. Check out this install guide if you are interested.
Laptop Computer: MacBook Pro (Late 2013) running Big Sur with an Intel i5 processor & 8gb RAM.
Enhancer for YouTube™: Highly customizable and easy-to-use extension that allows you to do so much!
Svelte Dev Tools: An extension that allows inspection of Svelte component hierarchy and state in the Firefox and Chrome developer tools.
React Developer Tools: React Developer Tools is a tool that allows you to inspect a React tree, including the component hierarchy, props, state, and more.
Wappalyzer: A cross-platform utility that uncovers the tech used on websites. It detects CMS, ecommerce platforms and web frameworks server software, analytics and much more.
JSON Formatter Simple JSON formatter for when you are doing a quick API call or something. It will automatically format the data in your browser.
Awesome Cookie Manager Displays a list of Cookies and allows for searching, viewing, editing, saving, restoring, and deleting cookies.
WAVE accessibility tool: Evaluate web accessibility within the Firefox browser. When activated, the WAVE extension injects icons and indicators into your page to give feedback about accessibility and to facilitate manual evaluation.
Page Ruler Redux Developer/Designer ruler to get pixel perfect dimensions, positioning, and measuring of elements on a page.